VITAS cooperates with IDH to organize a training course name Initiative to reach the pinnacle and initiative on building safety and life
To address some of the issues of sustainable development in the textile and footwear sector, IDH launched the Race to the Top (RTTT) program, a multi-stakeholder initiative within the framework of the Forum. The Global Green Growth Hub (3GF), co-organized by public and private sector partners such as the Dutch and Danish Governments, major global brands (GAP, NIKE, MARKS & SPENCER, LEVI STRAUSS & CO., International organizations (SAC, IFC), producers (SAITEX) and civil society organizations (Better Work).
The vision is to provide and improve the benefits (economic, social, reputation) for the sustainable apparel industry, workers and the community. Currently, the program "Reaching to the top" with the cooperation of ministries and industry associations, international organizations and private sector partners, signed the Cooperation Agreement on October 27, 2016.
Within the framework of this agreement, IDH collaborated with the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS) to organize a training class entitled "Initiatives to reach the pinnacle and innovations in building safety and life". This is a voluntary multi-stakeholder program to support responsible production and trade for Vietnamese textiles and footwear by IDH as the coordinating body. The program is from 8:30 to 16:30, Tuesday, 10/7/2018 at Hanoi Textile University (Le Chi, Gia Lam, Hanoi).
At the training class, businesses in the textile and apparel industry will be taught the main courses of the program including: (1) introduction and training for workers in association of workers; (2) productivity improvement (LEAN); (3) Introduction and guidelines for energy and water saving plants; (4) Training on occupational safety and construction in the factory.
The Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH) is a Netherlands-based organization founded in 2008 with the goal of promoting and replicating sustainable trade through the establishment of a coalition of leading companies, civil society organizations, government agencies and other partners. By combining the benefits, strengths and potentials of public-private partnerships, 18 IDH programs develop sustainable commodity markets, improving livelihoods for hundreds of thousands of small-scale farmers. , minimize negative environmental impacts and support innovation and value creation in developing countries - making sustainable production and consumption the norm.
The Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association cordially invites businesses to attend the training on: Ms. Huệ:; Ms. Nga:, Tel: 024-39364134/ 39361167 Before 9/7/2018.