News from VitaJean

Vitajean is certified by WRAP


On March 01, 2018, Viet Thang Jean (VitaJean) was awarded a Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP). WRAP is an independent standard of conduct that is consistent with the code of conduct, is implemented and controlled independently, and ensures that the behavior of the producers behaves in a code-and- comprehensive coverage.

WARP certification received by VitaJean is a confirmation of commitment of VitaJean Company's leaders in VitaJean's strategy of comprehensive and sustainable development on the basis of complying with the laws of the State and the International Labor Convention environment, occupational safety, occupational health, occupational health and occupational diseases; about working time, rest time, relations in behavior in the business. The above commitments are made according to the following 12 principles:

  1. Workplace laws and regulations.
  2. Prohibition of forced labor.
  3. Prohibition of child labor.
  4. Prevent harassment and abuse.
  5. Compensation and welfare.
  6. Hours of work must not exceed the limits of the law.
  7. Prohibition of discrimination.
  8. Health and safety work environment.
  9. The legal rights of employees to freedom of association and collective bargaining.
  10. Rules, rules and standards on the environment.
  11. To comply with customs procedures.
  12. Security.

The WRAP certificate gives VitaJean the opportunity to expand its business market in the context of fierce competition between global export activities, and it is also evidence of serious enforcement of the war. VitaJean's comprehensive and sustainable development strategy in the coming time.
